Laser acupuncture
Laser acupuncture is a cold laser therapy. It is also known as low-level laser therapy(LLLT). Laser acupuncture is the same as normal acupuncture except that a laser beam is used instead of a traditional penetrating needles. This is great if you are not too keen on the idea of needles being inserted into the skin.
What does it do?
Laser beam can produce low-heat light, pressure and electromagnetic wave. It can stimulate the acupuncture point of human body, and input an energy into it. It promote biological function, regenerate tissue or stimulates and enhances cell function and alleviate pain. It may possess the function of both acupuncture and moxibustion.
What conditions can be benefit with laser acupuncture?
Evidence was found to support the use of laser acupuncture in the treatment of myofascial pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting and for the relief of chronic tension headache. Laser acupuncture would appear to represent an effective form of acupuncture for the management of these conditions. It could be considered as a viable alternative to more traditional forms of acupuncture point stimulation.
Laser acupuncture can be used for to relieve pain such as back pain, osteoarthritis, headache;
Laser acupuncture is also an excellent alternative approach for
- Children or
- People who are shy away from real Acupuncture needles.
The therapy uses low powered lasers which targets specific acupuncture points, selected because of their effect on endorphins and their ability to help the body to detox and heal.
Is laser acupuncture painful?
Laser acupuncture is a totally pain free therapy. Actually during the treatment you may not feel any thing. Therefore it has been used for patients who shy away from needles or for Children’s conditions.
Is laser acupuncture safe?
There are no known adverse side effects of laser acupuncture after it has been used in clinic for over 25 years.
However laser acupuncture are not used on the skin with melanoma, patient with epilepsy history, or have radiotherapy less than 6 months.
At any time, safety goggles should be worn when having treatment.
How much is laser acupuncture?
Initial assessment and treatment: $160
- Concession card holder & Children (12 yo and under) $140
Following treatment $105
- Concession card holder & Children (12 yo and under) $95
Baxter GD, Bleakley C, McDonough S., Clinical effectiveness of laser acupuncture: a systematic review. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2008 Dec;1(2):65-82.
Dima R, Tieppo Francio V, Towery C, Davani S., Review of Literature on Low-level Laser Therapy Benefits for Nonpharmacological Pain Control in Chronic Pain and Osteoarthritis. Altern Ther Health Med. 2018 Sep;24(5):8-10.
Jan Magnus Bjordal. The anti-inflammatory mechanism of low level laser therapy and its relevance for clinical use in physiotherapy. Physical Therapy Reviews 15(4):286-293 · August 2010
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