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Healthy food for fertilityIron

Iron plays a crucial role in fetal development. It supporting blood, brain, and bone formation, as well as overall growth. It’s also vital for a healthy immune system and fertility. Low iron levels can lead to anovulation, hindering fertility. In a Harvard University study of 18,500 women, those supplementing iron were 40% less likely to have fertility problems.

During pregnancy, iron requirements increase due to greater blood volume. It’s essential to boost iron intake in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as the fetus relies on maternal iron stores. Deficiency raises the risk of anemia, preterm delivery, and low birth weight.

Women with low iron are advised to supplement 10-20mcg daily. Liquid supplements are gentler on the stomach. Organic iron supplements are preferable as they’re better absorbed. Vitamin C aids iron absorption.

Natural sources of iron

Natural sources include green leafy vegetables, dried beans, black strap molasses, lean meat (organic/chemical free), dried apricots, almonds, egg yolk, seaweed, wheat germ, parsley, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds.

Folic acid (B9) and B vitamins

Folic acid (B9) and B vitamins are essential for DNA formation, crucial for preconception and early pregnancy. Supplementation is recommended, especially for women on birth control pills. Deficiency can lead to infertility and birth defects.

Natural sources of B9

Natural sources include dark green leafy vegetables, i.e., uncooked spinach, kale, beet greens; asparagus, broccoli, corn, lima beans, parsnip, mung beans, soy beans; wheat germ; oranges, pineapple, banana. It’s best to consume these foods fresh and raw to preserve B9, as it’s heat-sensitive.

Vitamin D – The sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, is crucial for fertility. Testing vitamin D levels is recommended, as deficiency is common, affecting 23-49% of Australians. Supplements are advised for levels under 50.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for hormonal balance, ovulation, and fetal development, supporting both fertility and healthy pregnancies. In a study, couples receiving 1000mg of omega-3 had a fertilization rate of 76.5%, significantly higher than the 50.4% rate in those without omega-3.

During pregnancy, a deficiency in DHA, a type of omega-3, may lead to various complications, including premature birth, low birth weight, chromosomal defects, spontaneous abortion, hyperactivity, and childhood asthma. We recommend 500-1000mg of DHA daily to support a healthy pregnancy.

Natural Sources of Opmega 3

Natural Sources include deep sea ocean/cold water fish (ie. salmon, cod, herring, trout), mono-unsaturated cold-pressed oils (flaxseed especially, walnuts, hemp and chia seeds.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E supports conception, regulates estrogen levels, and aids circulation. Deficiency can lead to complications like spontaneous abortion.

Natural Sources

Sources include sunflower seeds, almonds, organic cold-pressed wheat germ oil, cold-pressed vegetable, seed and nut oils. Best not heated or cooked, i.e., use in salad dressing.

Protein/Amino Acids

Vital for the number and quality of the ovum (eggs) produced the fertilisation process, and the early development of the embryo.

Natural sources

include deep sea fish, tofu, legumes ie. lentils, soy beans, kidney beans, eggs (free range), lean organic chemical-free meat and poultry, nuts and seeds, sprouted grains.


Calcium is essential for fetal bone development, nerve function, and muscle tone. Deficiency can lead to complications like hypertension and bone loss.

Natural Sources

Natural sources include leafy greens, nuts, and seeds.

Dairy foods are another source of calcium; however, since they are not as easily absorbed, it is best to vary your sources of calcium as widely as possible.

Royal jelly

Royal jelly is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, beneficial for hormone balance and reproductive health. Some evidence exists that royal jelly might also:

  • Improve egg and sperm health
  • Increase libido
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Support the immune system
  • Decrease signs of aging
  • Helps women with irregular cycles


Co Q10

CoQ10 supports energy production and cellular health. Supplementation may enhance egg quality and IVF success rates.

Managing PCOS

Chromium and magnesium supplementation, along with a low-GI diet, can help manage PCOS symptoms and improve glycemic control.