Dear friends and patients,
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We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.
Our acupuncture and chiropractic clinic are remaining open at the moment.
As always,
Safety is our first priority
We have committed:
High standard infection control to be practiced in our clinics.
• Masks offered to all and to use when you entering our clinics;
• Hand sanitizers for all to use.
• Single used disposable cover sheets are used in all treatment rooms and tables.
• Hourly cleaning of all public areas.
For any respiratory conditions, please DO NOT come to visit us in the clinic. We are offering phone/video consultation and herbal prescriptions.
Herbs can will be collected by your friends or family, or will be dropped in your car while you are waiting in the car park.
Before your visit:
If you or a close contact have any of the below:
• cough, fever, sore throat or runny nose
• returned from overseas in the past 14 days
• any contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days,
Please call us so we can reschedule your appointment.
We are offering phone/video consultation and herbal prescriptions for fertility and other general conditions.
Wash your hands often with soap and water, as this is the best way to stop transmission of this virus.
During your visit:
• If you arrive early for your appointment, please consider remaining in your car until much closer to your appointment time.
• To reduce the numbers in our waiting areas, please don’t bring other children/family members into our clinic.
• Use the masks provided, and please use hand sanitizer/alcohol sprays upon arrival.
• If you need to sneeze or cough, please cover your mouth and nose with tissues or your upper sleeve or elbow. Please dispose of the tissue in the bins provided. Wash or sanitize your hands afterwards immediately.
• Please wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilets.
After your visit:
If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and may have been infected around the time of your visit, please inform us.
Your confidentially will be protected.
We are reviewing these steps regularly in conjunction with current advice from the Australian Government and Public Health authorities. We are committed to the safety and well-being of all our patients, their families and our staff. We thank you for your kind understanding and help to keep everyone safe.
Take care and be safe. Let’s get through this together.
Yours for better health
Dr. Richard Zeng (D.CM)